I just wanted to dedicate a little blog to this very important subject that is close to our hearts. Around this time 1 1/2 years ago we had to make the hardest yet most important call to get our little Lilly in to the Dr for an evaluation. I just kept telling myself she's just a little bit behind, she'll talk soon but soon wasn't coming soon enough. I put myself and Chris through hell when I started doing my own research online because EVERYTHING pointed to Autism, it was totally devastating. So for the next year fallowing she had countless people come to our home to do evaluations on her, she qualified for the Early Intervention program and had a speech therapist and an OT that she saw 2 times a week. The first year was hard, no real answers, is it Autism? Is it not? Those questions went on what seemed like forever!Fast forward to last November, Lilly turned 3 and had to be turned over to the school district since EI only did babies to 3 years old. What a turn around!! She has done AMAZING! She talks, she knows her colors, shes controllable, listens and just improves every day! The word Autism hasn't been brought up in a year and that truly is a blessing, but ya know *if* she had been diagnosed with it, we were ok with it! I felt like some days I had more than I can handle but I know we could have been SOOO much worse off! We truly are a lucky family! We also have a very close friend who's also had to go down the rd. of Autism, so I just think it's very important to spread the word, it's soo common these days, it's unreal. Also it gives me a whole new look on life, as in if I'm at the store and I see some kid acting terrible as I admit I used to think "Geez lady control your kid or something" , I now know that I have No idea what their story is! What if her kid has Autism, and the kid is having a melt down and all the lady needs is a smile and nod that "u" or "I" get it! You never know that smile could make her day! I guess it just teaches me not to be so judgemental cause I've been there! Anyway here's some info if it's of any interest to you!
World Autism Awareness Day
An organization called Autism Speaks has designated April 2 World Autism Awareness Day. For those of us who love someone with autism, it's an important opportunity to spread the word about this often devastating disorder.According to the website:Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person's ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by extreme behavioral challenges. Autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed in one in 150 children in the United States, affecting four times as many boys as girls. The diagnosis of autism has increased tenfold in the last decade. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have called autism a national public health crisis whose cause and cure remain unknown.For more information, visit autismspeaks.org.To read a fictional story based on a mother's real life emotional response, click here.
1 comment:
Good job Nichole for dedicating your day to Autism. More people need to be aware of it and what it really is, the misconception of so many "issues" is so sad with this disease. We have two kids in our family with it, and its so sad to watch, and you just wonder how their parents deal with it every day. We are glad to hear that your precious little Lily is healthy and doing well, we would love her just the same either way. "Spread the word to educate the world"
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