The day goes by so fast that next thing you know your laying in bed going "huh" where did the day go?!Not that I want every day to be like that, but since we've been boring lately and the days seem like they're never going to end, it was nice! I know I'll probably complain a time or two over the next 5-6 months about the dragging days when it doesn't get dark til 10:00pm! Anyway yesterday was just a good day! First off Chris took Lilly to school and I tried to decorate this vase that I got from my mom like 4 years ago for Christmas, it's huge and I never knew what to do with it! So finally I made me a little trip to Micheal's Wednesday night and got me some fillers! I still think it's missing a little something so it'll be my work in progress, most importantly it's not collecting dust in the closet anymore!
Thanks Mom!

Then I (GASP) coloredmyhairfromabox (GASP)... I was desperate! I just have such a hard time making appointments in advance and being worried if I'm going to be able to keep them! I'm small town that way, I just want to walk in and say hey so and so my hair needs help, or being at the store and so and so sees me and says "Nichole get your butt over to the salon, your hair needs help!", lol and ya know you just don't get that in the city! No pic of the hair, it's nothing special basically just pulled it through the cap and I don't have 4 inch roots anymore!!
Then I was able to finish my little wall project I posted about over the weekend and while I was ever so carefully trying to tie all the knots evenly my little monster Preston decided he didn't want to wait for me to get a drink so he opens the fridge and tries to pull one of those gallon jugs of apple juice from Costco down and drops it, the bottom busts open and yep the whole gallon was all over the whole kitchen floor!! Fun, fun, the floors are still sticky today, yuck!
Then it was crunch time to actually get showered, put the good old "face" on, get Lexi and Preston dressed and next thing you know it's 11:15 and we're picking up Lilly! Took a little detour home and swung by the "flip" house to ya know make sure Chris isn't slacking,lol! Ya right, the man never takes a minute to slack, it's looking great! I need to go take some pics! Ok so did the whole "Hi Dad", hugs, kisses, umm ok bye now thing and off to the Redbox we went to rent "Alvin and the Chipmunks"! Then we were home bound and it was lunch and (YAY) nap time for the "P" man!! The girls watched the movie and I sat my butt at the computer, ate lunch, and watched "Days", see I'm a total multitasker!!
Just as I was like hmmm I'd just love to take me a nap today it was time to wake Preston, get the girls together and go drop them off at Aunt Melanie's so I could go to my first Parent teacher conference!! Just another mile stone to make me sad and realise how fast life is going! It went great I was there a whole hour because I just LOVE Lilly's teacher! She's great and we just "click", she was full of great things to say about Lilly and of coarse that makes us proud!!
Then back to Melanie's where the kids were soaking up the perfect day outside on the tramp, when they decided they were hot! So what better idea then to strip down to their undies and play with the hose on the tramp? They had a blast until they were little Popsicles and wanted to come inside! (not the best pics, they're from my phone!)
Then it was off to take Lexi to dance, the other two kids and I just sat in the car since they were still half naked and we'll I won't lie, Preston thought it would be nice to give me a headache with screaming the whole 30 minute while we waited for Lexi! Can we say tired? or brat? I'm not sure just yet since terrible two just hit with a vengeance!
Last but not least Chris beat me home AND had some yummy dinner made! What a guy...
So there you have it, a day in the life of me! So exciting huh?!?
Now to end my novel I just wrote I have to share with you all the book thats going to change my life,hehehe!
Did you read what the cover says?!? " Faster, EASIER, Better Ways to CLEAN Your Home and Everything in it"
I'm putting some MAJOR faith in this book that it makes my life easier because I used my last 50% off coupon on this book, I mean do you know the possibilities that coupon could have went to at Micheals?!?