Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Chris!

I'll spare everyone with all the mushy gushy stuff and sum it all up with your swell, I love you and hope you have a great Birthday!


Reidhead Crew said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!! I am so glad you are so good at updating your blog so I can feel apart of what's going on up there in Idaho! I am going to try to do better at mine, I was never good at journaling! If I could just put pictures on I'd be fine,haha. Let me know when you are making it down our way! Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Chris! I love the cake, did you make it Nichole? I had to laugh when I saw "30" on it, man hes getting old!!!

Matt n Jessica said...

Happy Birthday old man...haha j/k and if Matt saw me say that he'd kick me! LOL What kind of cake was that Nichole? Hard to tell in the pic I'll have to look again!