Saturday, January 3, 2009

Follower Shmollower...

I swore I wouldn't.......

I can't possibly have room in my life to get *sucked* into another thing....

BUT..... I did it anyway.........

So I went and saw it without reading any of the books, first time I've ever done that! Loved it, went straight to Walmart after and got my first Twilight book. So I guess this is it, I'm officially a follower...


Melanie Farrell said...

Yeah!! :)

mrs_jpyatt said...

Ok seriously I thought I was one of the last people to read the book! lol! I finished it before Christmas! I decided that I have to see the movie while it's still in theatres! This is difficult cause Josh doesn't do theatres! So I finally decided Ill just go by myself! Im going next week I can't wait to see it! Enjoy your book it's Amazing!

Matt n Jessica said...

You sound like me! LOL I'm starting the 3rd book today. Never thought I'd have any interest, but boy do I ever!