Wednesday, December 3, 2008

6:45 pm.

That would be the time I put my monsters to bed tonight, don't judge! Believe me when I say it was for their own good! They've pushed every last button I have tonight and I'm starting to think I need some of whatever my dear friends Michelle and Jim Bob take!

Do you watch their show? I've been watching them for years, a strange obsession of mine and I'm most certain I've never heard saint Michelle yell, let alone raise her voice!

Now I sit here with a sore throat from yelling all evening, feeling like a loser for yelling all evening, feeling like an even bigger loser when I think about my monsters going to bed thinkin I'm mad at them and feeling like the BIGGEST loser hoping my kids wont think of me when their older as the crazy yelling mom.... Michelle Duggar I want to be like you when I grow up ( Just not with your 80's hair 'do!)

(for the record i obviously have no idea if the Duggars are medicated, i'm just poking fun for my own sanity! i also *heart* my kids more than anything.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Nichole, we all have those are normal! There is a really good book I recommend reading (I DEFINATELY need to read it again!!) "The Five Love Languages for Children", and then "Love and Logic, When Kids Drain Your Energy". Its more fun to listen to the last one on CD. Its kinda goofy, but Ive come to realize that the days I feel like a good mom, are the days I act kinda goofy.