Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bargain High!

It's been a while since I've had a great bargain week, I've been quite burnt out on the coupon thing. Although when deals like these come along it makes me get back in the "game" full force!


This pile here my friends is $435.90 worth of retail goods from Kohls. Could you even imagine paying that??? Me either, that's why my grand total for 7 shirts, 3 baby outfits, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 Preston shirt, 1 pk. of undies, 1 pk. of under shirts, 2 camp rock purses, 1 Hannah Montana backpack, 1 pack of bracelets, 3 pks. of socks, 3 hat and mitten sets, 1 thing of make-up and 3 jammie sets is....................................................... $14.00

I made 3.50 off this Albertsons trip!!




24.00 comparing to the other deals it seems a tad high but I believe it averages somewhere around .66 an item!


Albertsons and Kohls you've been great to me this week! Thank you!


NICOLE said...

Are you freakin kidding me!?!?!?! I don't even want to look at yours !haha AWESOME deals!!

Aunt Tiff said...

WOW!!! You are AMAZING! Will you do my shopping for me?!