Friday, March 27, 2009

10 inches...

Sniffle Sniffle

What can I say, I LOVE my Lilly's hair...
Everyone loves Lilly's hair...
It was her "staple" I don't ever recall going somewhere, where someone didn't comment on her long locks...
but lately my little girl thinks she needs to grow up and get her first haircut. Yep I said first, she's never even had a trim!
and this is how she spent the rest of the night, loving every second of her hair in the mirror.
She even wanted it shorter, but we cut just enough to donate to Pantene, I hope she'll grow it again and we'll continue to donate until she get old enough to do whatever she wants with her hair! Lexi and I have to live vicariously through her because our hair is thin stringy straight, nobody would want our wig!


Porter Prodigies II said...

aaaw, it looks great, thats so good that she loves it! Way to go Lilly for donating your hair, it is beautiful, Id love to have that long hair again!!

Matt n Jessica said...

The hair looks cute, her admiring it all night is so cute! It's always sad cutting our little girls hair. Reminds me of Kylies long curls going bye bye! :-( How are you feeling??