Thursday, September 17, 2009


Yep those are the screaming words you could hear through the halls at Lincoln Elementary Tuesday morning. The morning started off great, yAy school or so we all thought! The minute we stepped foot inside the classroom and I said are you going to have a great day Preston with your teacher, the alligator tears started to form and a look of horror overwhelmed his face. Mrs. Sandeen said I think you better leave cause he's going to have a melt down and the longer you stay the worse it'll get. So I turned around and walked out the door as my little P man started to melt and scream bloody murder for me and I just kept that sucked!!

This is before school when he was so excited about his new backpack!

He ran to us so fast when we came to get him!

very excited to show us his painting.

and after me leaving him in a ball of tears he still gave me big 'ol kisses when I came back to get him!

About an hour before school was out I was checking out at walmart when my cell rang... it was the school, you can imagine what was going through my head. "Mrs. Fogle can you please come pick up your son?" "He's been screaming for hours and telling us he hates us" or "Preston took off through the double doors and he's outta here"... Seriously I was afraid to answer the phone, but to my surprise it was just Mrs. Sandeen letting me know he calmed down after about 5 minutes and he's currently having fun on the playground, AWESOME news!!

Then morning two came along and we decided to meet the teacher in front of the school so he couldn't attach himself to us as much as he would if we were to have walked him in. Chris took him alone that morning thinkin he does better for dad, well once again not so much! As Chris was getting him out of the car Preston was screaming for Lexi, he wanted to stay with Lexi (she was getting dropped off next) but all in all he only cried for about a minute, so we're hoping for no crying on Monday! Wishful thinking I'm sure!

I thought a boy would be easier for sure but geez my girls wanted me to leave on their first day, such a difference!


Porter Prodigies II said...

What a cutie! Sorry he had a rough start!

Aunt Tiff said...

Poor kid & parents...I'm sure it will get better!

Matt n Jessica said...

Oh man it was probably harder on you than it was on Preston! Thankfully both mine have gone right to school, no looks back!