Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our Week!

Our week in pictures!
The kids got to go to ''Kid Planet"
for a FuN Birthday Party!

This place was the best and the kids slept soooo good that night!

Did a little posing...

Did some Christmas crafts!

Mr. P got a new Hot Wheel!
(man,boys are so much easier to please than girls!)

Preston after me breaking the news to him that " No that's not your Daddy at the Walmartz"!
Dear Baby Daddy,
Please hurry home so your littlest spawn will stop looking for a daddy at the Walmartzz! I'm starting to get the sympathy looks...

Preston got to endure some torturing
(he loved it!)

Some more posing took place...

Some actual sisterly love went on
( or she was getting her back by yanking every last little tangle out)
I'm going with the sisterly love this time though...

The kids got to eat some tasty Mac & Cheese with their cousin Riley!
These are their "crazy" faces!

BUT the best thing about last week was booking my babies daddy a flight home for a week!!
I will have me some happy kids on Tuesday night!

The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun filled week! As for flying with three, its not bad at all, but then again I had a ton of experience of flying alone with two. So, doing it with both parents is cake! Make sure to take gummy worms and keep the straw and a bottle of water for them to drink from the straw (or a sippy cup) as you are landing to help with ear popping. We have learned new games to play and songs to sing that open their mouths really wide so their ears pop. Ears popping and potty trips are the worst part, oh ya, and all the fun looks as you go through security because youre taking too much time and dont let EVerYonE in front of you. Nobody cares to help out anymore! And...nobody lets you preboard with kids anymore, that sucks!